10 Tips to Improve your Camel Pose

October 27, 2010 3:38 am

10. The dizziness you experience as a beginner is completely normal so try not to get anxious. If you just keep pushing your hips forward and breathe, the dizziness will pass. When you feel dizzy it is because of a change in blood pressure in your body from the backward bend. It is a new sensation which can be scary because we are always forward bending.

9. Knees and feet 6 inches apart so you have a good solid base to stand on.

8. When entering into camel make sure your hands are are on your hips with fingers facing down. Take a deep breath and drop your head back, go back half way and stop. If you lean back half way you will realize how close your hands are to your feet. Once you realize how close your hands are to your feet it becomes less scary to just reach back.

7. NOW RELAX! The more you tense up, the harder it becomes.

6.  Keep the grip on the feet tight, with your PALMS ON YOUR HEELS so you can push your hips forward.

5.  Bring your body weight forward onto the knees instead of leaning back on the heels. This will help you to create 360 degree back bending. Stretching the whole front side of your body!

4.  Keep the neck relaxed. Don’t tense up.

3. The most important part about Bikram Yoga is to continuously focus on the breath. Breathe calmly and all of the sensations you feel will normalize.

2. If you have high blood pressure or any heart condition, please only hold the posture for 5 second at a time in the beginning. Slowly ease into it and gradually increase the time you spend in the posture.

1. In the spirit of our week’s theme, “Conquering Your Fears,” try to push your camel to your edge without experiencing any anticipation or anxiety. Use these tips to overcome your feelings about the posture and, trust us, you will begin to love it! Don’t be scared!

More tips, benefits and pictures of camel pose

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