Locust Pose: Salabhasana

Beautiful Woman Doing Locust Pose

Locust Pose encourages concentration and perseverance. Although this posture may feel super strange at first, keep at it! Let your fingers enjoy a little freedom from each other because this is also the only posture where you get to spread them apart.

Benefits of Locust Pose

  • All the same benefits as cobra pose, but amped up a bit!
  • Firms the buttocks and hips
  • Increases spinal strength
  • Increases flexibility and tone in the spinal muscles
  • Strengthens the shoulders, arm and back muscles
  • Increases circulation
  • May help cure tennis elbow

Beautiful Woman Doing Locust Pose

Tips for Locust Pose

  • Setup for this posture is of paramount importance
  • Roll your arms under your body, placing your elbows against your abdomen as close as you can, palms flat on the floor. Spread your fingers so that they’re pointing toward your knees; this will give you a nice strong grip
  • Relax, keeping your body firm and steady
  • Once your legs are up, breathe normally in and out through your nose and keep using the strength in your hands and arms to maintain your weight to the front of your body, so you can hold your legs up for as long as you can
  • The more you life your legs, the easier it gets

Beautiful Woman Doing Locust Pose

More on Locust Pose

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Next Yoga Pose: Full Locust Pose