What is The Paleo Diet?

April 7, 2011 12:00 am


What is it?

The Paleo Theory:

  • The idea is that the healthiest diet for us is the one we are most genetically adapted to.
  • i.e. the diet that corresponds to what was available in any of the ecological niches of pre-agricultural humans (1.5 million-10,000 years BP)
  • “Increasing evidence suggests that a Paleolithic diet based on lean meat, fish, vegetables and fruit may be effective in the prevention and treatment of common Western diseases.” Read this study here.


What can I eat?

Here are your Paleo food guidelines:

  • Your diet should include meals that are high in fat, moderate in animal protein, and relatively low in carbs.
  • Eating generous amounts of saturated fats is encouraged. Anything from avocado to coconut oil to duck fat.
  • Eat a healthy amount of vegetables – cooked or raw and served with fat. Starchy vegetables are an okay source of non-toxic carbohydrate.
  • Limit your intake of fruit and nuts.
  • Stop eating cereal grains and legumes – this means wheat, soy, corn, brown rice, corn, rye, oats, barley, soy, peanuts, and the various kinds of beans.
  • Stop eating sugar (and soft drinks!), dairy, and all vegetable oil – including margarines and sunflower oil.
  • As a rule of thumb  – if it’s in a box, don’t eat it.
  • Here is a list of suggested foods.


How often do I eat?

Here are your Paleo eating habits suggestions:

  • Eat only when you are hungry and stop when you are full.
  • Do not count calories or use portion control.
  • Do not hesitate to skip a meal (or even 2!) if you aren’t hungry.


How will I benefit?

These are some of the proposed benefits by the Paleo community:

  • Improve your acne condition.
  • Slow the onset or progression of an autoimmune disorder.
  • Lose weight and improve athletic performance.
  • Gain energy.
  • Reduce or eliminate your risk for diseases like cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and most chronic degenerative diseases.

A great Paleo starter recipe – Gingered Carrots with Mahi Mahi






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