Q: My lower back started hurting after class last night. Should I take a few days off or work through it?

February 24, 2012 3:38 am

Q: My lower back started hurting after yoga class last night. Should I take a few days off or work through it?

A: It’s quite common for beginners to experience a sore back as a result of all the bending we do in Bikram Yoga. Your body is asking for a day or two off. In the meantime, you can try icing the area two to three times a day, applying Traumeel – a natural medicine that’s used to aid recovery from sprains, strains, bruises, nerve pain, swelling and post-surgical pain – several times daily and soaking in a hot bath with a cup of Epsom Salt. You may also want to increase your dosage of an antioxidant like Vitamin C, which is excellent for recovery when you work out hard. When you’re ready to return to the hot room, focus on lifting more in the chest to prevent hinging in your low and middle back. Decrease your depth and bend gently.

Remember: this is a pretty intense physical practice so you really need to pamper yourself in-between classes. It should be part of your regime.

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